Friday, September 8

Sushi Boy - 4 Months old

Little Monito
is 4 months old today (and also celebrating one year from his conception date)
and we broke out our favorite outfit of the 3-6 month pile. Besides being a stylish
sushi design - with sushi on the pants, chopsticks on the shirt and a couple of goldfish on the shoes... these are the SOFTEST clothes ever. I can't stop touching him when he's wearing them.

Meditations on 4 months...
I guess the biggest thing for me is how I have seen the boy change in the past weeks from a little dependant guy to someone with a personality that he can use his face, feet & hands to express. There are little things that he does that are HUGE - like when you hold him now he HOLDS onto you... He wraps his arm around your shoulder & HUGS - Oh my god... the feeling is beyond words. And his playful smiling games are amazing, as are the sounds & chirps that he makes - both to just amuse himself & also to get a grownups attention. He is an unbelievably happy kid - he spends 98% of his awake time playful, cooing & kicking and only a little bit of totally crappy crying & screaming time. Em & I know we are blessed. PLUS he is so so so so friggin' cute. I am enchanted by his big blues and the smile makes you forget what you are doing.

All in all its pretty much a love fest over here in Cambridge. I am still a little in shock that this is my life right now - but he is the most amazing companion in this journey... Posted by Picasa

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