Saturday, August 4

Sign Language

He has learned a fistful of signs, hi first was nursing, which looks like you're milking a cow - sadly it also looks like waving "hi" & "bye" when rotated causing the kid to get fed at many greetings and to be greeted when asking for a feeding, The next sign was "more" - this one is pretty clear, especially when uesd as he is eating birthday cake, drinking from a big cup or a straw, eating ice cream and snacking on cherrios. We have also been showing him things like "bath" , "hot", "drink water" and "change diaper" --- but in the past week or two we've noticed that he picked up the sign for MOTORCYCLE - (a throttle motion with the hand). He does it when he hears a motorcycle, when we see bikes parked on the street and just sometimes to make me happy during the day. He accompanies the sign with a very cute vrooom-vrooom sound....

Thats my boy!!!!!!!!!!!

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