Thursday, December 14

Getting on the Train

Riley is checking out the Coast Starlight in Deb's arms as we get ready to leave Seattle and head down to Portland. I don't have enough kind words in my vocabulary to express how great this trip was for us. Deb I just love you and your family with all my heart... just crazy crazy love ... and I am so glad that Allie & R. got to see what all the fuss we've been making about lil' Riley is about. At the same time I got to see my Aunt Suzan, Cousin Tracy, Marissa, and our Cousins Carrie - Chuck - Rylie along with Aunt Shirley from Ithaca and the lovely twin boys.

I will post more about the trip and add a tabloo soon.... I am jet lagged and hungry ... Monito sleeps - so good to see Em when we got home (& its 50 degrees out - go figure... whats up with the Boston winters I thought they were supposed to be killing me ???)

Chanakuh starts tomorrow & many many Newfields come to town... I hope Blasto is ready -

peace out -

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