Friday, February 1

Cleaning up Jack's House

The lil Monkey found the "vacumn cleaner" over at Jacks' house and spent half an hour of play time "cleaning" up the kitchen. Like I've said before - I don't really know where he is learning any of this cleaning behavior to mimic - its certainly not from either me or emily. Maybe memories of Mama Kathy B. maybe when he sees people cleaning house on tv... but I do sure hope it continues. Perhaps my little Taurus will clean us all up.

On another note - he is beginning to learn bits of the alphabet. He is recognizing and naming the letters "j" "s" and sometimes "u". He is also starting to count - he counts 2-3 but seems to have no use for the number one. He also asks for the ABC's to be sung by yelling bee-cee bee-cee also apparently having no use for the letter A.

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