Monday, February 18

The Plague of 08

All of our little playmates are getting the FLU. Our little monkey was the first one sick - throwing up a couple of weekends ago when we were up visiting his Grandparents in the Shire. Em and I came back from the movies to find him sitting with Grandpa Phil eating copious amounts of chocolate ice cream - apparently he is very, very charming when he says "more icescream peez!!!" We were fine with this until about 2 hours later when all that chocolate ice cream ended up on me, and em and the sheets... then 2 more hours later there was more - and another set of sheets, and 2 hours later.... You get the idea. So by 7am on Sunday the lil guy was basically back to himself but I was WASTED and needed a weeks vacation to recover.

So later the next week our little friend Jack got something similar - but worse - He was sick for DAYS - and he lost like 10% of his body weight. Next down was Lila upstairs who was sick Friday night and then her daddy was sick last night. And we got a text message from Emily yesterday that Xan was puking.

The lil Monkey & I have now moved away from the Pukey flu type illness into a nice standard cold - we are both totally snotty and snoring like crazy at night - I think we almost kept Em awake with our din. Of course its also Vacation week so all our playgroups are closed - which will force us out into even larger public disease venues like the Science Museum... So we will see what comes next.

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