Monday, November 3

Sleepy Lion

We got all ready to go to Alex's party and then he hit that wall...
so here he is collapsed & napping in costume while I wait for him to wake up so the
Halloween fun can begin.

We had a great time, Em got home to late for Alex's but in time to go Trick or Treating with DGina (as we call her brother & sister-in-law). Photos will follow...
F. was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz because it is her favorite all time EVERYTHING its the best movie, book, story etc EVER. Dan was a wicked good scarecrow, Gina was a very pregnant Glinda (or Galinda depending on which story you follow) - and I put on Em's scrubs and white coat and walked around telling folks that I was Glinda's OB.

G. was due on halloween so we are all hanging out WAITING for the new baby to come - probably some day this week - in the meantime I will be eating some of the 3 pounds of candy that we have because we got home too late to give it out to any trick or treaters.
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