Sunday, September 3

Lil Piggies at the Vermont County Fair

You'd really love this if you could see the movie clip. These two 2 week old babes were franticly pounding at mama - head butting, not suckling... as their seven other litter mates napped in the corner. I think the head butt was meant to get the milk coming but as they pounded into poor mama their little ears were flying - you can get a sense of the motion - especially from the little monster on the left.

So I spent quite awhile hanging with the pigs in the "barnyard" just thinking - yupp thats what it's like some days. A couple other moms with young babes stood next to me and also laughed a soft & knowing slightly overwhelmed laugh as they too watched the babes try to feed.

The long weekend in VT was Lovely - the close to four hour drive to get to Burlington was about half an hour too long - but I think I'd say that of any drive over 2 hours. Adam & Ila have a great house & went out of their way to make me, em, Riley and Mabel comfortable... a HUGE feat since they have two cats and children who don't really like dogs... It was nice to get to spend time with Emily, but then when we had to come home & return to her regular work schedule we were both super sad.

I will upload more fair photo's to the Flikr file....

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