Friday, September 1

Stolen from another blogger...

This is one of my favorite descriptions of my life right now... too bad I didn't write it...
For the full text go to
I got pointed there from Pepita

Faith is now in her cot. I had to let her cry herself to sleep so I could work … her cries pierced my brain like hot pokers and I am hoarse from cursing my too slow computer. Faith is awake again, but I can’t figure out how long she’s slept if at all, because I can’t fathom the time elapsed. Having sat down to make a start, I have to stop and most infuriatingly, find a way to actually kill time, until Faith sleeps again. Right at this moment I feel like I am sitting on blistering bitumen, between two carriageways of semi-trailors screaming past at high velocity. And I must get up and calmly reassure my baby.

I’ve decided to try and keep working, Faith is behind me on the floor jamming her fingers in a perspex box. I’ve fed her and it forced me to sit down. Faith gazed at my buttons and rings, reached up, tugged on my lip and gave me the impish look of a pirate. As she drank little puffs of baby breath opened around us like tiny coloured paper umbrellas. Her little chin shuddered, barely discernibly, between sucking. When we got up she fully contracted her little body into the curve of a crescent moon and gleefully dove into my neck, grabbed an ear and a handful of cheek and gummed my mouth. It is the simple, primal splendour of my children that restores me. The already everlasting fact of their own enmeshed and devoted relationship astounds me as much as their independently produced ear wax did after birth – these beings so unto themselves, busily going about the business of life, and showing me at every turn that business is primarily about beauty.

Wow !! Okay now if you're not one of my friends with a new baby go read the entire POST because it is awesome.... it's a Very Good critique of the devaluation of mothers work... really, really worth taking 10 minutes to read

Time to go tickle monito & try to walk the dog - we are doing laundry and trying to load music onto Em's new ipod, paying the bills and packing a couple of bags, running to the bank and returning the DVD's that we didn't have time to watch... all before 5 today when we leave on a mini road trip to see Adam, Ila and their kids up in Vermont.

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