Monday, June 9

Trip to the Pond - Part Two

When we got back to the parking lot from our morning at the pond I saw that Jeff had a flat tire. - He wasn't totally surprised at first because he had had a slow leak before.

But when we realized that Alex's car ALSO had a flat tire we began to wonder how we had such bad luck between us. Luckily BOTH cars had their spares in place and Jeff was a whiz at changing BOTH tires quickly & pretty painlessly in the 90 degree heat. He didn't even complain at all.
I found it easiest to just stay out of the way and sing songs to the kids as we waited to get on our way.
When we got home & looked at the tires it turned out that they had BOTH HAD THEIR VALVES SCLICED OFF. Someone is up for some really bad karma - can you imagine ... vandalizing two cars both with 2 car seats in them on a 90 degree day.
We owe Jeff a big batch of cookies.

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