Monday, December 15

Taking a walk around Fresh Pond

Monday was a particularly beautiful day - perhaps made more so by the knowledge that we were on the verge of getting the first big storm of the season so we should really enjoy a day that was "unseasonably warm".* (* folks in SF can wonder at the fact that I now consider temps in the mid to high fifties to be warm and even summer-like when those same temps in SF are what we consider a Very Cold Day - so much that one should probably call in sick to work & just stay in all day).

Our friends all get up much earlier than we do (being that they aren't trying to live in a different time zone the way I do) and they all headed out for a hike to the Fells (as seen in some earlier posts on this blog). Not to be outdone Em insisted we get outside too... so we headed for a mid-day hike/walk around Fresh Pond.

The lil monkey wore his special black and red water-puddle stomping boots and put them to good use in both water and MUD puddles that we found along the way. He also got to say hi to about 10,000 dogs since this is a quite popular off-leash park for Cambridge pooches.

and Finally were smiling because this has been the month of Em's elective - which means that she's been working on a research project which she's been able to do primarily from home & she & the little guy have gotten to spend the most time together since the month that he was born.

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